Saturday, May 27, 2006

Mother and Son

Today I saw one of those most moving scenes on the train (why is it always on the train?). I saw a little boy, about 5 years of age, with his mom, standing by my side as the train was crowded. (Please do not ask why I did not give up my seat for the little boy as I was lazy.)

Apparently the mother of the little boy must have said something to him, which I missed as I was engrossed in my reading, maybe she mentioned that she was tired or sleepy, and the son said something that warmed my heart in that instant. He pointed at his tiny little shoulder, and told his mom to rest upon his shoulder. This did not take the mom by surprise, as she “obediently” stooped down and rest her head upon his shoulder, closed her eyes, pretending to sleep, I presume. What a beautiful moment!

It was not long that the mother opened her eyes, and the little boy who noticed this, turned to his mom, told her not to worry, as he would wake her up when they reached the station. I wished at that moment I was brave enough to capture this entire episode with my handphone, yet I can only remember this with my mind, as I was too shy.

As I recalled this incident I saw today, I began to wonder. Deep within the little boy, there must a desire that he wants to take care of his mom, and that he loves his mom deeply. Yet suddenly I saw another perspective, I suspect this mom must have done this countless times to her son, asking him to rest upon her strong shoulder, that made this little act of love almost like an everyday habit to this little boy, to want to do the same for his mom. I was moved. And as the train drew near to the next station, the mother opened her eyes, stood up, and both reached out to hold each other’s hand unconsciously, and walked out of the train.

I saw love manifested from the little boy to his mother, though I definitely must have missed those lovely scenes where the mom took care of the little boy, those countless sleepless nights, as she watched over him when he was afraid or sick, the time when she tried to feed him when he was younger, the time when she smiled at all those beautiful little kid’s clothes hanging at the departmental store, imagining his little boy wearing them, etc.

The little boy must have been brought up in an environment of unconditional love, that he wants to do the same for his mom, expressing his love for her in his little simple way. This also reminded me of another beautiful story, perhaps the most beautiful. Similarly, or rather much more, my Papa God, from the day I was born I believed, till now, He must have endlessly showers His great love upon me, even when countless times I failed to see Him. Yet now and then, there is always a desire to show a little of my puny love for Him, like the little boy in the story. His love so great makes me want to love Him more! I believe it is the same for you!

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