Thursday, June 02, 2005

This is a pen sketch of the gift of love from my friends, beautifully wrapped, forever penned down in my sketchbook.

For all you friends that have supported this blog by visiting, thanks. For all that have sent me encouraging comments, be it in the form of an email or an sms, thanks. The journals may be a bit long at times, but do bear with me, for there is so much I want to express. For those who knew me for years, know that I am not a verbally expressive person, therefore I would rather express my thoughts in written text. I did stumble here and there due to my weakness in the English language, but then if John and Peter who were fishermen, could become writers of the New Testament, there is nothing impossible with Him! His strength is sufficient for me!

I attempt to make my art simple to understand, that any kid can comprehend it, for I truly believe that art also has no boundary, it reaches right into the hearts.

Do drop by regularly, thanks, friends!
little lamb art

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