Saturday, January 28, 2006


Eagle is a bird that we are often being described as in the bible, though it always seems so “unattainable” to me. It soars, it doesn’t struggle to stay afloat. It is independent, magnificent, king of all birds, fearless and courageous, sharp and alert, live long (for bird's standard) and always young. Is that what I am? Many a times I wonder when I ponder on those verses in the bible. Chances are I tend to see myself (not to mention you too) more like a “grasshopper” rather than an eagle. Seeing myself as a sheep is easy to me, as a sheep does nothing but just simply follows the shepherd or let the shepherd carries it. Yet being an eagle was always an ideal, a dream in my mind, not a reality.

Most of the time, I am not so much bothered by what others think of me than what I think of myself. I am not perfect, never was, and never will be so long as I am still alive on this planet earth, and I am glad close friends accept me just the way I am, being ever so accommodating and forgiving, and most important of all, the Lord He accepts me the way I am. Yet, recently, time and again, I was very disturbed by one particular remark made, that I am very “efficient”, expressed to me in different manners. This word “efficient” was never my aim, and I for a moment was wondering if this “efficient” as what people said about my manner of working becomes a stumbling block to my working with others, if my one minded work attitude is a problem, then my Lord, please change me, make me not so.

Yet the image of the eagle was brought to my mind several times in a row this week, all thank to the Lord, who always comfort us, and leads us into triumph. my dearest Shepherd reminded me, He was the one who has lengthened my day, stretch the day for me, which is my prayer, and I almost forgot. He is the one that is ever so faithful, perhaps if one thing that I did right, or there is any need for any doing in the grace of God, is that I always give Him the first moment of my time everyday, and He multiplies the rest of the day for me, that allows more things to be done in a shorter time, and yet to have leftover time for bible study in the evening and with my family, this is my prayer and one main aim in life almost every single day. It is never me that is fast, and it is not a curse for being efficient, but a blessing from Him, He reminded me. I shall stop condemning myself, and appreciate myself for the way He has made me.

Therefore, yes, I know I shall mount up with wings like eagles, I shall run and not be weary, I shall walk and not faint, because I shall be carried by the air current that He provides to soar. And yes, I am sure, at least within myself, I never attempted to be efficient, just a simple prayer everyday I have, Lord, be my wisdom, and cause all that I do to prosper and more time with You, Lord and my family and friends. Just very simple agenda in life everyday. And yes, I shall be changed, shall be transformed, not by my self-effort anyway, as it will never be successful, but by beholding Him, and He alone can do it! And you too! You are an eagle as well, just believe!

And have a blessed Chinese New Year with your loved ones!

(And yes, I brought work home to do, I didn't want to spend next week doing lots of overtime, and I am determined to get all done before Chinese New Year, in other word, to finish it today. And my Shepherd is ever so faithful, I have almost finished visualising one out of 2 projects in my mind last night, for unless the Lord builds the house, I labour in vain, He stays faithful even when I am faithless! Lord, one more to go!)


Anonymous said...

jia 'yiu' xiao mien yang! P(^___^)P

Anonymous said...

Have a blessed lunar new year.
HF :)

dorcas said...

dear hoo hoo,

can't help calling you by this affectionate term. i was pleasantly surprised to receive a post from you in my blog's comment. thanks for dropping in.

like you, i also just recently re-attached wif our friends again. i too, wish to have more time to catch up wif everyone in the midst of my "daily duties". enjoyed reading your blog, will continue to drop in regularly.

shalom & God bless!