Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cherish The Difference

Recently, I have been pretty bothered, sparked by a question from a colleague, this is why I decided to throw aside my normal simple topics for my blog, and to look at a more global situation, yet hoping I will not bore you with this (for your info, I do think about global topics, just that I felt blog should be lighthearted and happy).

During my last 2-day trip to Hong Kong, other than being asked the above question, I also have some related discussions with another colleague. And this is also one fact that I was pretty bothered about, before and even after I became a Christian, so I shall be bold and write on this today. For my non-Christian friends out there, you can also take this time to understand a bit of us Christians, give me a chance to explain, will you?

I deeply believe there is always some quality in someone that we can always learn and respect. I look up to the housewives who gave up their dreams in pursuing a career to bring up their children personally. I look up to the refuge collection workers for their dedication in doing their job well, I look up to the uncle who takes pride in making the best coffee and toast, I look up at the roti-prata man in producing crispy pratas for his customers. Everyone is gifted and everyone is special, and I believe all of you out there who read my blog often, knew that I even wrote on some of these professions before, for I greatly respect them and I salute them even, for I am sure I will definitely not be able to do as well as them.

Now these are the questions I am often asked my non-Christian friends, which I felt it is rightfully asked, for I ponder on them too. Why are there so many denominations for Christianity? Isn’t it very confusing? Why are there apparent competition between churches? Why do some Christians dislike Christians from another church? It reminds me of those days in secondary schools, when we pit ourselves against the other schools, seeing them as our opponents rather than peers, and now when I have outgrown that age, how stupid those days seem to be. And this is exactly how I felt recently.

Hear me out before you throw stones at me (Thank God I am on the other side of the wireless line). A bit of church history, denominations came as a result mainly due to their founders, a rediscovery of a truth in the bible, and many denominations are named after their founders. Yet this to me is of no issue, as even siblings born in the same family has different names although we all share a similar surname. Just like there are many churches but we all Christians, carrying Jesus’ name in us.

I personally feel that all Christians are from the same family, whichever denomination one comes from, and this is doctrinally correct. I see my Christian fellows as my heavenly siblings, and I cherish everyone of them regardless of which churches they come from. And as I grow, I began to thank God for them, for I began to see the gift, the strength in each of the different churches, all are unique, special, with different functions, and no duplicate. That is why there are so many of us and yet no redundancy, but many failed to see this. Just like members of the body, no one is more important. It does not mean that because one is small in size it is lesser in value or one is big and therefore it is most important. And I believe I am speaking my Father’s heart. Just like we can’t say that because the skin occupies the greatest area in our bodies it is more important than the heart or vice versa. There is no competition and all complement each other.

For a few days, I was pondering on this, after a non-Christian colleague brought up to me about a church not liking another church etc, and for a short moment I was sad. Isn’t this a family issue, and such a shame that it is even discussed by someone out of the family? Aren’t we able to resolve it within walls, aren’t we all loved by Papa God? Aren’t we siblings?

Yet amidst all this, Papa God reminded me that nothing is too difficult for Him to handle. Somehow, somewhere, though I am not sure how, I just have this assurance in my heart that soon all of us will be united, and people will see us as one body. Yes, there will still be different churches but a HAPPY FAMILY, making up of multitudes of churches. And I rejoice now as I can almost see it already in my heart!

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