Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Much Needed Rest

I have not been very consistent in writing my blog for the past 3 weeks or so, mainly due to work. When was the last time I reached home before 9pm on a weekday? As far as I could remember, I must have worked to about 10pm almost every night, with many things to clear, problems to solve, and new designs to think, some are really fun but some are really "drags". Yet so many things have happened over the week, and I have very little time to reflect on them, except the very precious time I have on my way to work and home on the train. This is my treasured time of solitude, as I cherish and enjoy every moment of it, most of the time. Yet I think I may have unconsciously offended some colleagues, as they seem wanting to strike a conversation with me when they met me on our way walk to office, but i just simply smiled and asked them to move on without me. Because this time is too precious for me to share with anyone else, except with the Lord. This little time I have, gives me strength for all the challenges I will face for the rest of the day.

Yet, despite of all this intermittent rest, I think I will soon retreat to take a much needed rest, a wonderful, body restoring, mental renewing, spiritual uplifting rest, especially now that I have entered into my sixth year of working life, I felt I would want to take a small step of faith by the end of this sixth year, as I step into the seventh year in September/October this year, to take a break, what people called sabatical break. I think maybe only pastors practise this, but why not us as well? I am not asking for a full year break but just a couple of months, about 2 to 3 months, and I believe that my Papa God will provide for all my needs, as I take His principle of rest literally, for His principle always work. The eagle needs to take time to renew its feathers, its youth, so that it can soar higher and further. This is my dream for this year.

Just a sidetrack, I have finally gotten my laptop last weekend after I have talked about it for almost half a year in my blog, and you will be surprised to know that, I have barely touched it for more than 2 hours since I bought it. To be honest, I am a desktop person, and I hardly am well versed in laptop, perhaps touching one only at presentation, even with the help of other colleagues to set it up for me, although many friends thought that I am an IT savvy person. Do pardon my ignorance, I did not know that a laptop could be so hot when operating, that I immediately called up my niece to verify since she has just gotten hers 2 months earlier. It was so hot I believe it could boil an egg. Yet, I am not afraid, because I have gotten a 3 year warranty free for the package, all thank to Papa God!

Another small piece of good news is the estate that I am staying is now having repainting works, which to me is great. It seems to me that finally the exterior of the flat that I am staying is lining with the interior of my flat. My flat is almost like new, until you step out of my door. Yet one month down the road, everything will look almost brand new, thank You Papa God, for the apt timing.

Thanks for listening to all my tiny fragments of thought here and there, not much related to one another, but just simple updates of what's going on in my natural life. Despite of the tiredness I feel right now, mainly due to work, I am still very happy and blessed, for He has given me a hope to live every day of my life to the fullest, and He does not disappoint. Cheers!

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