Saturday, March 25, 2006

The best place to be

It's another busy week, and I am glad that the weekend is here! After 3 to 4 weeks of long working hours, it's time for a short break this week, yet all seemed to pay off really well, all thank to Papa God, the presentation went very smoothly and well received. While my attention moves on to the next urgent matter on the list, I am like a fireman, putting out one fire after another, I was having a little apprehension, a little concern at the back of my mind, as my dear friend cum working partner who does all my perspectives for me is going away for 2 months, leaving me to search for new perspectivist. As I was almost at a lost of what to do next, suddenly it dawned upon me that I should have asked the Lord for help. And you know what, on that very same day, I "met" my dear friend online, thinking that she was already away, and I chanced upon the fact that she postponed her trip for 2 months, and therefore she is able to help me with this urgent project before she goes. I was hilarious, overflowing with great joy and laughter on that day!

This is a precious lesson learnt, that I suddenly remembered in life, we tend to take things into our own hands, trying to solve them ourselves, and finally when we have run out of ideas, strength, or at a lost, we then would turn the matters unto our dearest Shepherd. May the time to reach this step, this awareness be shortened as we grow, which could save us a lot of trouble and wasted energy. Yet, I am delighted that His help is never late even with our vile human effort in the way.

The long hours at work for the past few weeks forced me to have very precious time of rest on my way home on the train, either in the form of a little nap, read a book or listen to a few beautiful heart warming songs. A song that always puts a smile on my face "I'll be with you" by Tension, suddenly painted a very cute picture on my mind one day as I was listening to it. This is a mid fast song, with a rap in between. As I was meditating on the lyrics, (though not a gospel song, it really sounds almost like a praise and worship song to me), an image of my Shepherd singing a rap and dancing in a rap manner appears in my imagination! Why not? He, the most creative Being in this universe, can definitely sing and dance, more than we could ever think or imagine. (If you think I am rude in my imagination, do excuse me.) I do believe my Shepherd is really much more fun than what we all can imagine Him to be!

In fact, I wanted to draw the little lamb dancing with the Shepherd, but the illustration didn't turn out as what I imagine in my mind, as beautiful, therefore it was replaced with the above, another image I saw while walking home today, a father carrying a tired child in his arms. (I hope to post it on board one day when I have beautified the dancing drawing.) Yet for now, be contented with the above, a little happy lamb being carried by the Shepherd, the best place to be in. Indeed, in the midst of all the hurly burly, I am really thankful for the little break, for me to smell the flowers, here and there, and yes, despite of it all, I am very happy and blessed, though a little tired..... zzzzz.....

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