Friday, September 09, 2005

Still in the Process

I am still in the process of packing, about 80% of my stuff has been moved over to the new place. I didn't intend to write actually, yet thinking that it will still take about 3 days before I have any access to internet from home, I thought perhaps I should write one more journal today, before my pc is transported to the new place tomorrow. And I will be staying in the new place from this Sunday onwards.

Nothing much I want to express today, just a little picture to cheer everyone up, a different rendering of a similar drawing that I posted several weeks ago, not sure if you can recall. Hope it brings a smile to your face when you see this picture (one of my works last year), just as it did to me when I was drawing it, thinking about how Jesus would think of me, how His table top would be if He has one, etc.

Meanwhile, i have many things to update and write about, but I think I would save it for the next journal when I would have finally settled down, I suppose. Have a great restful weekend ahead, while your friend here will be exercising her muscle and patience in moving the rest of the stuffs over.


Anonymous said...

Happy moving and hope you settle down soon in your new abode. Got housewarming...?

Anonymous said...

Ah yi,

Hope u haf settled into yr new hse? How do u know Jesus like flip phones?? haha..
