Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Another new day?

The sweetest hours of sleep is when it is raining heavily outside, and one is hidding beneath a warm blanket in the comfort of one's home. I am easily contented with simple pleasure of this form, and this was what it was like this morning.

However, much to my dismay, in the midst of such pleasure, distracting thought awoke me, reminding me of an early morning meeting at the construction site. For those of you who have no idea or have never been to a construction site before, let me offer you a little description. A construction site is at its worst when it is raining. How many of you have friends around you, who are in the construction industry? Especially for a lady? (like me...)

To be honest, one thing I dislike about going to site is to wear inappropriate shoes, not that I am less prepared, but rather, last minute meetings cropped up when you least expected it. Another thing that I dislike is to climb those flimsy looking staircases made out of scalfolds, especially when you have to climb up 5 storeys of those, with little or no handrails....Complaining aside...

On the bus making my way to work today, I saw a beautiful sight, which I have illustrated in the attached little sketch. The point of all these is that, do take note of the things around you, when you have a little time to spare. I saw individuals carrying colourful umbrellas forming a beautiful image. Thank God that despite of the rain and the meeting at the site, He has created a beautiful image for me to behold, for me to enjoy...for me to start my day special. Nothing spectacular...something simple yet beautiful...

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