Sunday, December 13, 2009


It has been a really long time to finally decide to just pick up my mini laptop and write. I just want to write on the Person who loves me most, always, relentlessly, fully, totally, never giving up on me. Sometimes events of life bog us down. Sometimes, the necessity of living, the many issues arising out of daily living cause me to lose sight. But Jesus is always here with me.

I am not troubled by anything now, if I sounded so above. I just learnt ever since coming to know Jesus many years ago, what a long and tedious journey I have walked. Yes, indeed, I studied and read a lot, yet now what really thrills me is, simply the Person Jesus, not about what to do and what not to do, not about what is the fruit of the Spirit or the gift or calling, not about how to reach the world for Him, not about how to be more successful by applying the word, though all these are good, but simply Jesus, only He can satisfy.

I am reading a book by Watchman Nee, “The Normal Christian Faith”, causing my eyes to see what I understood in my heart. I am quoting from his book. Hope you enjoy them. He wrote the following:

…You can see clearly that the whole issue is not about doctrine but about a person! Our basic concern is not doctrines. Rather, it is seeing who Jesus is! Once we have the Lord Jesus, we will have real satisfaction; we will be filled with the sense of having acquired everything…

…What Christ proclaimed persistently on the earth was not His doctrines but Himself. The focus is not the doctrines but on the person…

…It is not the practice of His teachings that makes a Christian. Rather, it is a relationship with Christ that qualifies us as one…

…This is the work of the Lord Jesus. His work is just to bring men to realize who He is. He never let go of the fact that He is the Son of God. This is the essence of our faith. It declares that Jesus is the Son of God…

…Christianity does not emphasize doctrines. Rather, it emphasizes the person Christ. Even when some doctrines are mentioned, they are few in number, and when you go about expounding them, they always point back to a person…

The above are just some statements from the book that I underlined while reading. Why do we always love to complicate matters? Come back to the simplicity of thing, everything is about Jesus, because of Him, through Him and for Him only. Life is so simple, everything fades away, cos everything that matters is Jesus, and Jesus alone. When we keep our eyes on Him, everything becomes of no matter anymore. Life becomes simple and meaningful, life is worth the living, just for Him and Him alone. Shalom. May you find out how much He loves you, and enjoy a wonderful intimate relationship with Him always, from now to eternity.

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